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Some new therapies are quickly gaining popularity as more people turn to non-surgical skin rejuvenation and fat reduction. While you are probably aware of cosmetic treatments such as fillers, microneedling, liposuction, thread lifts, and Lipodissolve, you may be unfamiliar with mesotherapy. Yet, it’s the lesser-known cosmetic therapy that’s poised to become a popular skin rejuvenation option.

So, what’s the big deal? Is mesotherapy the key to speedier fat reduction and firmer, smoother, more youthful-looking skin? In this post, we’ll explore the growing demand for mesotherapy treatments in the non-surgical skincare industry. Keep reading to find out more!

What is Mesotherapy, and How Does It Work?

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical rejuvenation method that tries to improve the appearance of the skin. It is customized to a client’s skin issues. Mesotherapy feeds the skin with nourishing active substances and hydration by micro-injections of a specialized cocktail of ingredients, helping to improve textural imperfections and lessen the appearance of discoloration.

A series of chemical injections with short, thin needles are used to target the skin’s middle layer, often known as the dermis. In their injections, vitamins, plant extracts, amino acids, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), minerals, enzymes, hormones, and other skin-boosting mixtures are all used by mesotherapy practitioners. The personalized treatment addresses various perceived faults, depending on the ingredient mix and the patient’s skin concerns. Mesotherapy may be an alternative for persons who are concerned about skin discoloration, cellulite, pigmentation, laxity, hair loss, and skin aging.

What is the Mesotherapy Treatment Procedure?

A physical examination is performed before the use of mesotherapy. Following a physical examination of the patient, a definitive diagnosis is given regarding any discomfort the patient is experiencing. Following completion, an anesthetic cream can be put on the person’s application area. For each patient, disposable needles are used, and the solutions judged appropriate for the patient are applied to the affected area.

It can occasionally be injected with a machine pistol to make injection easier in areas where it will be applied repeatedly. The physician administers an angled injection to the middle layer of the skin in the treatment location. Very small volumes of fluid are injected into this injection site. More mesotherapy sessions can be performed as needed for the specific area of the skin.

The treatment will take roughly 20-30 minutes, not including numbing time. While the procedure is not unpleasant, some people may find it uncomfortable. Most clinics will administer an anesthetic cream 20 minutes before the procedure to alleviate discomfort. 6-8 sessions spaced two weeks apart are recommended to achieve the best results, with maintenance Mesotherapy treatments 1-2 times a year.


Benefits of Mesotherapy Treatments

Some of the key benefits of mesotherapy include the following:

Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Wrinkles and fine lines are produced by collagen loss as part of the normal aging process. Mesotherapy treatment can help reduce these fine lines and wrinkles as skin regeneration promotes collagen production in the area. This strengthens the skin, providing subtle and gentle anti-aging benefits while boosting overall skin health.

Cellulite Reduction

While mesotherapy can help tighten loose skin and decrease excess fat, it’s no silver bullet. Fat deposits in cellulite and specific locations like the cheek and chin can be successfully treated by mesotherapy that destroys the fat cell. The fat-dissolving enzymes rupture the fat cell membrane, allowing the lymphatic system to reabsorb the fat and be expelled by the body.

Improve Skin Texture

Due to the naturally slower rates of skin turnover, some people are more prone to skin congestion and enlarged pores than others. This can result in increased oiliness on the skin’s surface, more frequent active acne outbreaks, and skin dullness since the skin cells on the surface aren’t as new and fresh, and dead skin cells don’t slough off and stay on the surface. This keeps the smooth, healthy, fresh skin from showing.

Address Pigmentation and Scarring

Mesotherapy can also target specific skin issues. Some mesotherapy treatments are prepared with ingredients that help to reduce unnecessary pigmentation by influencing the rate of pigment production by the melanocyte. This could be an excellent treatment for sunspots and melasma. Mesotherapy can also reduce acne scars and markings over time, especially if your skin surface is pitted because the solution contains hyaluronic acid, which helps create volume in the skin, while other amino acids and antioxidants have an anti-inflammatory impact that promotes healing.

Combat Alopecia

One of the most recent applications of mesotherapy is the treatment of hair loss, often known as alopecia. Your med spa therapist will administer the nutritional formulation straight into the scalp through microinjections to promote hair regeneration from the follicles. This procedure may replace thinning hairs with thicker, denser hair growth.

Who is Not a Candidate for Mesotherapy Treatment?

This procedure is not recommended for certain conditions, which include:

Breastfeeding mothers
Cancer patients
Diabetic patients who use insulin
Patients with blood coagulation disorders
People who have an allergy to any substance that is used in the treatment procedure
People with a paralysis history
People with cardiac disease
People with urticaria problem
Pregnant women

Side Effects of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy application, like any medical technique, has some negative effects. Side effects that arise as a result of Mesotherapy treatments are usually transient. The occurrence of adverse effects varies by individual. Some patients have no adverse effects at all to mesotherapy treatments, while it can induce allergic reactions in some people. To avoid allergic responses, skin reactions should be checked 24 hours before the major treatment by administering medication to a small area of the skin’s surface. Following a mesotherapy procedure, the following side effects may occur:

Bruise on the skin surface
Burning sensation on the skin
Rash on the skin surface
Skin sensitivity
Skin swelling

People with extremely sensitive skin may experience skin rash and eruption reactions. In addition, dark scars may form on the treated area.

How to Prepare for Mesotherapy Treatment

This is not a difficult procedure to prepare for, but you should avoid consuming aspirin beforehand because it thins the blood and increases the likelihood of bruising and bleeding. It’s also a good idea to avoid using strong actives like vitamin C and retinol a few days before your treatment because these chemicals might make your skin more sensitive, which can lead to pain during the treatment (even with a numbing lotion) and redness after injections.

Also, because bruising is still possible during any injectable treatment, patients should avoid taking blood-thinning medications or supplements for at least one week before their mesotherapy visit. This includes fish oil, garlic, ginkgo, aspirin, vitamin E supplements, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories in large dosages. Patients must also limit their alcohol use.

What to Pay Attention After Mesotherapy Treatment

There are some issues you need to pay attention to after your mesotherapy treatment procedure. Some of the precautions you should take include the following:

Any blood thinning medication, such as aspirin, should be avoided before and after the administration of the Mesotherapy procedure.
Within the first 10-15 hours following the application, ensure water doesn’t touch the treated area.
Tight clothing, such as slim jeans, should be avoided following the application because they can impair blood circulation.
Physical exertion should be avoided for the first two days following mesotherapy administration.
Makeup should not be applied to the skin for 10 to 15 hours following mesotherapy.
Anti-inflammatory medications should not be taken before or after mesotherapy.
Caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and high-protein diets should all be avoided.

How Long Do Results Last?

How long the results normally persist depends on the particular candidate and how frequently you undergo the treatment. That said, the moisturizing impact and general radiance often last three to four months. But, repeated Mesotherapy treatments will improve your outcomes. Your skin improves with each treatment. Collagen stimulation occurs 3-6 months after each treatment, so it’s a slow burn, but the more you undertake this procedure, the thicker and healthier the skin gets.

New collagen in someone that is healthy can lasts about 5 years or more while the aging process continues. If you did it twice or three times a year, you’d look better in five years than when you first started. If you’ve never had Mesotherapy treatment before and want to get your skin looking nice immediately, you can perform three treatments a month apart, followed by 3-6 monthly maintenance.

The Final Takeaway

Mesotherapy has been shown to decrease hair thinning and produce healthy, abundant hair for years. The procedure is appropriate for both men and women. Though the results aren’t as dramatic as dermal fillers or Botox, the Mesotherapy procedure is a good option for people looking for a little extra boost or shine. Pain-wise, it’s comparable to (or even less painful) many non-surgical procedures, making it a quick treatment you could probably obtain during your lunch hour.

Finally, when you decide to undergo mesotherapy treatment, ensure the beauty clinic you choose is staffed by trained medical professionals who have the experience and expertise to carry out this procedure.